Minutes from 1995/96
16th February 2024
A copy of the minutes of the first few meetings of the Antrim LGFA County Board from the mid-1990s turned up recently at an Ulster Council meeting.
Antrim was one of the last counties to organise ladies football, the national organisation having been formed some twenty years previously.
These minutes were handwritten but we have reproduced them here as if they were typed at the time. They show the dates and locations of the first few meetings of the clubs involved in setting up Ladies Football in the county. Some of those clubs are still very much to the forefront of the ladies’ game in the county today whilst a few others may be surprising.
Our eternal thanks are owed to these pioneers who first laid the groundwork for the success of Antrim LGFA, and whose dedication has provided the opportunity for thousands of ladies and girls to take part in thousands of games over the years.